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Established in 2020, we're a family owned and operated business located in our hometown of Bristol, Vermont. 


We're a small company, but we have the great mission of providing natural solutions to 21st century health issues.


We intend to work collaboratively with other branches of medicine, while focusing our research and development on the most natural solutions possible. 


Our primary area of focus is phytochemistry, utilizing plant chemicals for their broad-spectrum medicinal and pesticidal properties. 


We also have a focus of nutrition and lifestyle medicine, and natural medicine as a whole. 


Products on the horizon are comprehensive EPA exempt 25b pesticides, which provide a natural option for controlling pests, including ticks and mosquitoes. 


Sun protection such as sunscreen and tanning lotion are other prospective products. Frostbite protection and lip balm are possible others.


Centered on our own evolving philosophy-of-care, we hope to create various products which aid in the management of chronic illness and the attainment of optimal health. 


Informed by the practice of culinary medicine, some health products we hope to create include a complete nutritional drink powder formula, herbaceous and spicy condiments, herb infused cooking oils, and herbal tea bags. These products are to address the modern phytochemical and nutritional deficiencies that are at the heart of today's health issues. 

If we are fortunate to expand even further, we have interest in inventing new solutions to the hygiene industry, and natural healthcare.

Beyond that we have intentions of providing lifestyle and dietary education which is concomitant with our culinary medicine products. Such education would extend to any healthcare products we create. 


We are aiming big because we have a vision for the wellbeing of civilization, rooted in some very basic principles of health that we believe contemporary society has deviated away from, and is not administering. 


Further, life is an emotional experience, and we want to foster a community of belonging, love, compassion, understanding and support; or in one word, solidarity. 


We want to achieve a healthy humanity, and we can only get there by working together and supporting one another. 


We hope Plantaecure becomes your health home, a place you can rely on for real and lasting solutions to your health concerns. 


We welcome you to join our community and efforts to making healthcare a delightful and nourishing process. If you support us, we will remain committed to supporting you, and tackling the great health challenges and mysteries of our time. 



The Plantaecure team. 




Founder and CEO

I founded this company as a result of contracting Lyme disease and due to the inadequacies around the pandemic. Ironically I've always had an interest in natural medicine and public health which is reflected in my undergraduate education. With prior knowledge in the health sciences and an innate passion for bettering the world, addressing these health challenges which I was presented with came naturally to me. I quickly made it my full time job and center of attention to solve the problem. Well, it's been a little harder to cure Lyme than I anticipated, but I've learned a heck of a lot since contracting the disease in early 2018. Lyme being a chronic illness in many cases, as well as systemic, you learn a lot about disease in general, which has broadened my interest in medicine as a whole. I am now happily committed to this field of study and look forward to making it my new career. I enjoy product development, studying and making plant medicine, contemplating the health sciences, and discovering innovative solutions to the problems we face. I also love challenging the many controversial theories and interpretations that inundate contemporary medicine. 


Other than my ambitious professional goals I self identify as being simple, aspire to being humble and ordinary, and I enjoy nature and spending time with family.



Co-Founder, Legal Consultant

Jennille, Ash's sister, has been an integral part of the developmental phase of the company and its products. She provides legal and structural advice and feedback on product development. As a licensed lawyer in CA and VT of 14 years she's capable of managing all legal concerns. As an entrepreneur and business owner herself she provides formational advice to the company as well. Jennille also is an essential oils enthusiast, yoga practitioner and consumer of natural products and shares the company vision. Her innovative ideas and input in every aspect of the company has been integral to its success. 


On her free time she enjoys her feline companion, community living and visiting with her friends and family, and spending time with her partner. 

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